Getting Back on the road!
Being locked-up fighting Covid-19 hasn’t been easy on any of us, but now the world is beginning to emerge from the long #StayAtHome. As we start to ease back into the real world, it’s time for us to rev-up our maintenance routines.
Several weeks back, we made some maintenance recommendations to keep your bike in tip-top shape while it was stored away. Now it’s time to follow-up those suggestions with some maintenance measures that will ensure your bike tires are ready to ride. Check it out…
First look
Depending on where your motorcycle has been parked will determine how it has been affected by the sun and other weather conditions. If it has ‘slept’ in an indoor garage, it should not have been affected by the elements. Regardless, you should make a quick inspection of the sidewalls and tread area to be sure there are no obvious problems such as a the random nail in the tire that you might have missed before.
Also (and this should be a no-brainer), check the air pressure of both tires. Air loss of 1-2 PSI is normal, but if the loss is much more dramatic, you likely have a slow leak that should be dealt with before take the bike for a spin.
After several months of storage, your bike might be a little dusty… so, it’s time for a bath. Be sure to wash it with a mild soap and water and pay close attention to your wheels and tires. This is a prime time to give those tires another “once over” to spot any hidden damage or issues you may have missed before.
Also, if you haven’t checked your tire’s tread depth, now would be the time to take a look. Be sure you have at least 2 mm of depth before heading out on your ride. You can find the tread wear indicators by locating the tiny letters “TWI” on your tire sidewall and then follow across the tread surface until you see the indicator “bump” in the tread groove.
Right pressure
Before placing your bike in storage, you should have inflated the tires more than normal in order to keep their shape. If you did this, make sure to let the extra air out and return them to the manufacturer’s suggested tire pressure. If, however, you didn’t over-inflate them and the tires are now below the recommended pressure, you should re-inflate before heading out. Keep in mind, if the pressure loss is more extreme than normal, you should check it again. An underinflated tire could be a telltale sign that the tire has a more important problem such as a puncture.
It’s time to check the tread details. Of course, there will be differences between on-road or a knobby tires, but all of them have their manufacturer recommended minimums. Be sure to check the tread wear indicators. If you have reached the minimum, it is time to replace the tire.
Time for a Change
No matter what condition your tires are in, there is always an opportunity to find a great deal on new tires with the latest technologies. If you are in the market, you should check out the Continental Fitment Guide to help determine the tire that works best for your bike. #GoAhead and feel the Conti difference!