Jocelin Snow: Born for Adventure

November 11, 2020

Adventure Rider, Instructor, Continental Tire Advocate Continental Tire is well known throughout the Adventure Riding world as the leader in tires for the serious Adventure rider. But what is Adventure Riding and how do I get started and what do I need to know? To answer these questions and many more we went to an […]

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ContiRidingSchool: Where the rubber meets the road

January 9, 2019 - 2 comments

The ContiRidingSchool teaches rider safety in diverse conditions The ContiRidingSchool teaches riders safe and more efficient riding techniques. The training takes place at Continental’s special proving grounds, the ContiDrom, located in Wietze, Germany. The ContiDrom has various testing tracks that replicate different road conditions, ensuring that customers receive the highest quality tire on the market.

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Continental Riding Day at the BMW Performance Center

June 20, 2018

A day in the BMW School with the TKC 80 The BMW Performance Center U.S Rider Academy in Greer, South Carolina, is a play ground for big kids like the Continental Motorcycle Tire marketing and sales team along with a group of loyal customers, believers and media officials. Guests came from all over the country […]

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Continental Riding Tips – Ride Safely

April 11, 2018

Start Right the First Time Experienced riders will tell others that there are two kinds of riders: the ones that have fallen and the ones that will. Having total control while riding is essential to have a fun and safe ride. An effective and comfortable riding position will give the rider confidence and enjoyment. Dangerous […]

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Where is your motorcycle’s tire grip limit?

March 14, 2018

Where is the grip limit of the tire? How far can one go before the tire lets go? These traction concerns are not only for the sport enthusiast rider, but in the mind of most. This post we will give some tips to keep in mind to help you react to your bike’s road feedback between […]

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Is inflating your tires with nitrogen worth it?

June 14, 2017

Why are we asking this question? Because it’s a question that you’ve already asked us. So, let’s evaluate the pros and cons of inflating your tires with regular air versus nitrogen. The air we breathe in the atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gasses plus water in different proportions depending […]

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Eternal youth. Now tires last longer

April 17, 2017

Can you imagine tires that never wear out or tires that regenerate automatically? Chemists and engineers have never stopped trying to make those kinds of tires. Up to now, the choice was either black or white. You could buy touring tires, which you knew were hard as rocks and would last almost forever. Otherwise, you […]

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