Be a Night Rider Pro!
Either by necessity or by choice, riding a motorcycle at night is quite different than daytime. It’s true that sometimes it’s more enjoyable because there is lower traffic, but some circumstances and conditions popup at night that make the nocturnal riding more dangerous.
In this article we review the challenges of night time riding and some tips to make you a night riding pro!
How Low Can You GO?
At night visibility is low…real low. We only see what what is illuminated by our headlights, so we should be more careful and keep a watchful eye for potential challenges on the journey ahead.
When you ride in cities or other lighted roadways, it’s difficult to identify cars, other motorcycles, and other light sources, so it’s hard to predict their movements.
Be Safety Proactive
The first tip in these conditions is reduce your speed in order to have more time to react in case of unexpected and sudden events.
Do Your Safety Checks
Motorcycles usually have a poorer lighting equipment than cars. Therefore, you need to keep your lights in top-notch shape. Also, don’t discount your tail lights. Your rear lights, including indicators are your first line of defense for drivers approaching you from the rear. If your lights aren’t working, they can’t you, so be sure to be safety conscious every time you hit the road.
Be Visible
Your lights are just a first step on safety journey. You need to be stick out to the drivers around you by wearing high-visibility clothes. There are a lot of options for brightening yourself up, including wearing fluorescent jackets or vests. You can also add some reflective stickers to your helmet to take it to the next level. Your goal is to be seen high-visibility clothing will ensure that other drivers are can’t say that they couldn’t see you.
Wear a Helmet with a Clear Shield
Lot’s of riders prefer to use helmets with smoked shields. Why? Because they are amazing at avoiding glare and sun reflections. Unfortunately, what is great in the day is the worst possible option at night. Smoked shields can reduce your vision capacity at night dramatically. When you can’t see as well you are putting your safety and the safety of the drivers around you in jeopardy. Your best bet at night is to kick your smoked shields to the curb when the sun sets and use a clear shield to held brighten your road ahead.
Watch the surface
At night, it’s harder to identify bumps, holes, and other obstacles that might pop up along your ride. Your best bet is to ride near the middle of the lane, where there are usually fewer “imperfections” than along the shoulders. The more you can avoid obstacles ahead, the smoother and safer the ride.
Get Some Rest
Before starting your nocturnal journey, be sure to get some rest.
You should also take breaks after 2 hours of riding: especially at night when it is darker and your body is more prone to feel relaxed and sleepy.
If you feel tired, your reaction time will tank, so get some rest and take breaks. Your safety depends on it.
Cold and wet
Temperatures usually drop at night. It’s also normal for the humidity to increase, so the asphalt conditions are tricky and its grip is worse. If you stay aware, you’ll stay safe.
Watch Your Tires
At night, a well maintained tire is more important than ever. Before you start your trek, you should conduct a tire audit, check of your tread depths, and make sure your air pressure is at your brand recommended specifications.
Enjoy the Ride!