The Magic of Las Vegas

From October 5th to the 8th, all roads lead to Las Vegas where the 17th Annual Las Vegas BikeFest was held. The location for this year’s bike fest was Fremont street right next to the Fremont St. Casinos and “fun zone”. The weather was warm, sunny and dry which made for great riding and perfect temperatures in the outdoor pavilions. Continental Motorcycle Tires was proud to be a supporter of the event with a booth showing off our latest products and knowledgeable staff to help the crowds with their questions and concerns. Las Vegas put on a strong face after the recent tragic event that took place a week before. #VegasStrong

Las Vegas BikeFest 2017

The bike fest is opened to the public with hundreds of vendor booths that displayed and sold anything from t-shirts to LED bike glow lighting to sissy bars and everything in between. The show management organized four days full of events and entertainment. There were custom bike shows, demo rides, poker runs, a “globe of death” motorcycle stunt show, live bands, celebrity appearances of the likes of Arlen Ness, Peter Fonda, Pawn Stars and more.

Las Vegas BikeFest 2017

There were thousands of riders that rode in and attended the bike fest from all over the globe. Many of the 50 states were represented along with Canada. We met some folks from Mexico, Hawaii, Norway and Brazil, as well! There was so much motorcycle eye candy that it was hard to take it all in. Although the bulk of the riders and vendors were in the Cruiser/V-Twin segment, the Adventure and Sport Touring category have been slowly rising. Bikes were everywhere: in the custom build shows, parked around the event and riding throughout the city.

People make it great

If you didn’t have a bike there were rentals provided by EagleRider. You could also win a free bike! The bike fest gave away 3 brand new bikes: an Indian Scout, a Harley Street Rod and a Harley Roadster. We met Mike Berry who rode all the way in from Eureka, CA, “I come every year and I wouldn’t miss it. They put on a great show and keep us entertained the whole time. The people make it great” he said.

One of the highlights of the bike fest was the The Continental Motorcycle Tire booth manned by the Conti Crew. On display were the latest, most advanced Conti tires for the Cruiser/V-Twin segment. The new ContiTour and ContiLegend represent the latest and greatest in the Continental cruiser line of tires. These tires boast the all new MileagePlus Compound for extended wear and MaxComfort technology that makes riding fun! Behind the main display were our dual-sport tires. For those interested on converting their cruiser into a scrambler, our TKC80 off-road tires will make the perfect look.

The Las Vegas BikeFest was an action-packed four days of fun and good times. There was so much to do that you just couldn’t do it all.  The event organizers sure did a great job with the entertainment and the fun events that it attracted a great crowd of motorcycle enthusiasts.

Cool people + cool bikes + cool entertainment = Las Vegas BikeFest

Here are our two favorite bikes: